Personal Tax Return Tips
The Australian tax system relies on taxpayers self-assessing. This means that you are responsible for your own record keeping and working out how much you can declare and claim as a deduction on your tax return. You also need to be able to show how you arrived at these figures, in some cases you may […]
Read MoreThe ATO has a responsibility to government and the community to make sure that everyone pays the correct amount of tax under the law. The ATO undertakes a range of integrity checks both before and after they issue refunds or payments. In some cases, the ATO may contact you to verify some details before we […]
Read MoreA tax review or audit is an examination of your affairs we conduct to see if you have done what you are required to do under the tax and superannuation laws, including whether you: Have declared all the assessable income you receive Are entitled to the deductions and tax offsets you have claimed on your […]
Read MoreIf you have private health insurance cover, you may be eligible for the private health insurance (PHI) rebate. Most people claim the rebate as a reduction in the amount of premiums they pay to their insurer. The rebate is income tested, which means that if you have a higher income, your rebate entitlement may be […]
Read MoreDuring the financial year you’ll receive documents that are important for doing your tax, such as payment summaries, receipts, invoices and contracts. Generally, you need to keep these for 5 years from when you lodge your tax return in case we ask you to substantiate your claims. Records you need to keep include: Payment summaries […]
Read MoreYou pay income tax on assessable income you receive, such as salary and wages, most Centrelink payments, investment income from rent, bank interest or dividends, business income; and capital gains from selling assets like shares or property. Employment income You must show all employment income, payments and benefits on your tax return, including salary and […]
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